
当前栏目: 墓地风水 2023-04-08 13:06:37 点击:


风水是中华民族历史悠久的一门神秘艺术。 又称青雾书、青囊书。 更学术的术语叫做Kanyu。 风是元气和场能,水是流动和变化。 下面小编就为大家带来古墓风水的知识,希望大家喜欢!



风水取穴时,先用倒棍定下坟的顺序,再用竖杆定其坐向。 看穴的时候,首先要看脉象中的阴阳强弱,用倒贴法来确定下穴次序。 然后按棍子所指的地方,将绳子拉直,分开坐姿。 从墓室两侧流水的三部和三部,反映出洞土中黄金的意义,从流水的两翼,可以观察到响水印木的情况。 承津、响水、洞土、印目四穴法,记载于郭璞《葬经》,必取穴旁流水三部、三部,两片和两个翅膀。

从陵园的风水上讲,千尺之景谓之势,百尺之景谓之形。 势形顺则吉,势形逆则凶。 顺境凶,顺境好,原本百种福气中,能留住的福气就只剩一种了。 若远吉近凶,葬后数日,灾祸降临。 以千丈之势,气息委婉,气不融,外不能聚内气,气消于地。 经上说:散气不聚的穴位,是一种只能腐烂骨骼内部,不能生人的邪穴。 喟叹能消气,故洞中需青龙白虎护气。 若是高丘中间没有青龙右白虎,前后开阔,那这高丘的元气就要被风吹散了。 清理。 经上说:缺孔就是棺材腐烂的地方。 外气(水)用于挡内气,水用于挡龙。 远势来近形停,前有山川迎你,后有扶持。 这是风水吉祥的地方。

经云:吉穴凶葬,形如弃尸,远低近高,前有山谷,后有丘陵,是龙首藏身之处。 呈龙形,埋于龙鼻、龙额处为吉祥; 葬于龙角不吉利。 埋在龙耳里不吉利。 入龙口不吉利。 葬于龙脉汇聚的腹中。 若是人为的刺穿,伤及了龙脉,他不仅会葬身山中,更无法以山为穴。 否则,报应马上就会出现。

墓地风水好,加之家人行善,必有后世福报,子孙后代享福兴旺。 风水的好坏直接影响到家族的财运、官运、子孙后代的教育、健康和寿命等,了解墓地风水知识,百利而无一害。


墓地风水怎么看? 其实,不是明眼不见风水宝。 普通人要经历。 在风水中,龙指的是山。 风水将个别山峰称为星星。 脉是连接山峰的脉络。 山峰明显,容易辨认,但矿脉却难以为常人所见。

墓地造型如牛卧马奔腾,如凤飞舞,如蛇缠绕,无不以水为别。 以下地势属牛,富贵,凤贵,蛇凶。 墓地的风水选择对后代有利的“龙脉”安葬。

1、来龙如奔马,从天而降。 这里是皇太子安葬之地。

2、来龙气势如滔天巨浪,重重山障,重重守卫。 这是高级官员的墓地。

3、来陇气势如重屋,山间草木茂盛。 这里是安葬开国政府的地方。

4、来龙如伏龙,水流绕云。 这是高级官员的墓地。

5、来龙气势如屏。 两条山龙相对,埋在中间。

6.来龙看起来像个倒扣的锅。 埋在锅上,可使子孙后代发财。

7.来龙威风如帽。 这是一个幸福的家庭墓地。

8、来龙之气势如弯蛇。 这里是埋葬国家破败家族的地方。

9、来龙气势如歌猫。 这是一个有牢笼的地方,也是一个难埋火的地方。

10、来龙之气势如流水。 这里是亲人像死鬼一样活着的墓地。

11、来龙的气势,就像扔掉的筹码。 这是所有后代的不幸墓地。

12、来龙气势如凌乱衣裳。 这是年轻女子的嫉妒,是妻子与别人有染的埋葬之地。

13、来龙气势如灰兜。 这是用火葬子孙的墓地。

14、来龙像一艘颠倒的船。 此为女子子孙之病,男子之狱葬之所。

15.来龙的气势就像横着摆桌子。 这里是死去的子孙安葬之地。

山龙中明堂常深,平地龙中明堂常浅。 经云:气行于地,物生于地。 平地有原脉,山地有原骨。 它们由东向西,或由南向北,盘旋而行,似进则退,欲停又进。 当经气停止聚集时,阴阳和谐,土层变厚,水深,草茂密,森林茂盛。 这种地方,贵如大官,富如千金。 经云:色止气而藏化生万物。 这是最高的墓地。 平地最值钱,地下支龙最值钱。 芝龙从哪里开始,怒气也开始跟着芝龙跑。 龙群驻足之处,怒火也随着龙群驻足汇聚而化为祥瑞。 观察芝龙的方法,一句话,平地上隐约凸起的条条就是芝龙。 经上说:大地有祥气,大地升龙。 地停气,水也随之停。 势随势而动,答之常在。 法埋于其中,永济无罪。 山峦重重,龙脉众多,伤寒龙族应该先被消灭。 有的大龙特别小,有的小龙特别大。 这些极度畸形的龙脉,是不能作为墓地的。 经上说:龙龙欲立于地,芝龙欲行于地。 不管是巨龙还是支龙,它聚集和停留的地方,都应该像伸出的手掌一样平坦。 故经曰:芝龙伏其深,葬于其上。 龙龙因露水高,葬于山下。 龙头选支龙,龙足选脊龙。 选择的形状和情况不合法,愤怒会像被驱赶一样逃跑。 龙龙说老,芝龙说嫩,老再嫩,墓地风水说嫩再老。




在墓地里建立界限。 在没有界限的坟墓里,主很容易与人纠缠不清。

最理想的状态是建一堵墙,但入口必须在正中央。 没有坟墓入口,本家运势就无法发展。






在坟墓高的墓地里,本家的运势是无法进步的。 如因周边关系需要补足,只能单脚补足。


附近是高大成荫的树木,坟墓上覆盖着像帽子一样的石碑,主人家中出现了患有胸部或腹部疾病的患者。 因为墓地里的树很凶,如果不砍掉,树越大,他们的财产就越少。

如果坟墓附近的杂草蔓延到自己墓地的尖端,就会变成凶相,预示着家里会有体弱多病的人。 墓地应至少每年清洁一次。

有水从周围高处流下的墓地是一个坏兆头。 主的家里经常有生病和虚弱的人。 所以在选择墓地的时候,要避开这种地形。


另外,1、如果土壤不足,墓地会积水,一定要尽快填土。 2、当树木的枝叶从周围蔓延到墓地时,应及时剪除。 3. 当树根蔓延到墓地时,你必须砍掉你的树或拔掉树根。 4、由于东南侧有高楼,如果墓地在中午之前还没有被阳光照射到,就要考虑搬迁墓地了。


既然坟墓既不是石头也不是物体,就必须把它当作人或神来供奉。 也就是说,不管是早晚在家里祭祀神明的时候,还是在神明桌前烧香的时候,都要称呼他的名字,向他问好。 这才是正确的祭祀方式。








扫墓祭祀包括扫墓、送纸钱、入墓、进食、祭祀等过程。 祭祀前先清除墓上杂草,在墓前划出供品范围,放置香火、元宝、纸钱和供品。 然后为祖宗造纸钱,因为纸钱只有化成烟雾飘入阴间才能被祖宗收下,所以人们要先把纸钱烧掉。 另外,取出几张黄纸钱,将土石压在坟头上,意在向外人表明,家族尚有后人。 由于寒食节禁火的影响,湖北恩施、咸宁等地在墓葬附近的小树上用纸钱,或在墓地的竹竿上挂纸钱,称为“标准墓”。 拜过的墓有纸幡飘扬,没有拜过纸幡的墓多为未拜过的孤坟。 所谓添坟,就是在已故亲人的坟墓上添上新土,寓意为先人“修屋”,以防坟墓薄,夏季易下雨。 本质上,这是对已故亲人记忆的见证。 公墓风水祭完后,全族要在祖坟前聚餐,分享祭后的食物。 同时,这也是和谐家庭的重要途径。


坟墓风水无好坏之分。 选择一座好的墓地,不仅是为了报答养育我们的老人的恩情,更是我们作为子孙义不容辞的责任。 这不仅是对老人的孝道,也是对子孙后代的极大造福。 益处。

1、遇到石山宜找土洞。 如果那里的土色是偏红黄色的,说明那里的气脉是和的。 如果在石山上找不到土洞,就不要砍了。 若洞内土色呈红黄相间,则表示洞内气脉和谐。

2、宜在土山上寻找石窟。 如果石头的颜色是紫白色的,说明它的质地是温润的。 如果在土山上找到石洞,石洞一定是紫白色,质地温润,吉祥,坚硬如石,就是好山。

3、如果石山上只有石洞,洞内的岩石一定是软脆的,可以锄地。 所谓脆,也就是洞石的质地是湿润的。

4、如果土丘上只有土洞,土质一定要结实才好。 这时,土壤不宜过湿。



7、墓穴风水 土丘找石洞,软中钻硬。 在落基山脉上寻找土洞意味着韧性和脆性。

8、如果支龙上的石头很多,剖开的时候一定有不同的花纹。 所谓芝龙,是指土山上的石洞,以石头呈现出不同的花纹最为可贵。

9、垄坑口处锄下,避烟尘。 所谓垄穴,就是指石山上的土穴。 那里的土壤必须又细又嫩才能锄。 若是夹杂着顽固粗糙的石块,以致锄头下去冒烟起火,就是罪魁祸首。 所谓扁尖,就是埋口。

10、墓土坚硬不能蓄能,土松则真阳不能生。 墓内土壤要平衡,既不硬也不松。 所谓真阳,就是生气。

11、洞可以开在龙舌尖稍微低一点,但不要伤到龙唇。 龙唇若伤,则墓太卑,孔失。

12、可以在龙牙上打孔,但不要离骨头太近。 靠近骨头的切孔位置太高,反而会伤到龙。

13、墓穴风水遇阴脊如鸡胸切玉,需分清老嫩。 所谓老嫩就是阴阳,所谓横胸就是界水。 阴脊应如鸡胸,不可阴对阴。

14、平阳之土宜如鸠尾,认清刚柔之界。 所谓刚柔就是阴阳,所谓界就是横胸。 墓所在的平阳地应形如鸠尾,不可由阳至阳。 在处理这些情况时,推理需要清晰明了。 否则,明明是阳却说是阴,明是阴却说是阳。 背诵这段经文没有任何好处。

15、他虽然知道找吉祥的地方,却没有开墓的本事。 如果效果参差不齐,就很难给他的百姓带来平安和福祉,因为一丁点儿差错,就好像千山之差。 一寸之差,千里之差。 这里所说的切、功,指的就是针灸。

16、用穴时出现阴阳吸嘶,所带来的灾难与舒惨不同。 做阳的时候要用阴气的吸入,做阴的时候要用阳气的吸气。 这就是阴从阳来,阳从阴来的意思。 阳来受阳,祸来得慢;阴来阴来受,祸来得很惨。

17、如果坟墓出现阳弱阴强的现象,在取穴时要用正反法。 所谓夫弱,就是阳气弱。 这时宜用穴位正球法。 所谓女强人,就是阴气旺盛。 这时候,宜采用腧穴折法。 这是指坟墓的正面和侧面。

18、墓形如合掌或上翘,有阴阳之分。 穴位用明球法或暗球法,有强弱之分。 墓形如掌,寓意阴。 形如手掌,为阳。 若阴形用明球法,则显强,若阳形用暗球法,则暗弱。 所谓手掌上翘,就是指坟墓的形状。 所谓正球架折法,就是指取穴的方法。 都是基于以上的。 至于所谓的舒迷吸嘶,并不是像占星师所说的阴龙为阳,阳龙为阴。

19、看穴时,先用倒杖定下坟的位置,再用立杆定坐向。 看穴的时候,首先要看脉象中的阴阳强弱,用倒贴法来确定下穴次序。 然后按棍子所指的地方,将绳子拉直,分开坐姿。

20、从墓室两侧流水的三部三合,反映出洞土中黄金的意义,从流水的两翼,可以看出响水印木的情况观察到的。 承津、响水、洞土、印目四穴法,记载于郭璞《葬经》,必取穴旁流水三部、三部,两片和两个翅膀。

21、墓脉如骨灰中的纹路,毡中的绒毛,微弱得似乎难以分辨。 墓穴中的纹路很是淡淡,仿佛必须要用法则之眼仔细观察一样,怎么可能肆意妄为。

22、有的坟墓适合左旋乘法,有的适合连线。 不要出错,呈现出水桶和斧头的形状。 有的墓葬适合左乘,即用乘法,有的适合顺连,即用印木法。 如果你用右接,或者该接右的时候用左乘,就是斧头倾倒。

23、当墓呈前缩前伸的形状时,不要凿龙穴的簪子。 所谓回缩,就是吞食埋葬,也就是用穴道法。 所谓前延,是指吐葬,即用相水的方法。 用相水法时,墓穴位于龙的等离子承位处,故名水伸法。 在使用这两种穴法时,一定要用得当,切不可伤龙失穴。 所谓龙穴,总怕二次受伤,就是怕凿屁股。

24、墓穴双脉最好是短股,但穴位不正时,要有弹性。 双脉求虚是正穴之法,但如腧穴情况不宜求虚,应灵活运用,不必拘泥于虚论。

25、脉气欲存,必枕于墓之薄侧,但穴位不宜者,亦应换法。 以薄枕住也是正穴之法。 但是,如果穴位不适合薄枕,就要换方法了。 一般来说,土地主要是亲人墓爱的地方,需要随时灵活,不能太死板。

26、取穴时观察上下、滴水、前后受气、迎堂情况。 墓室上部为子龙,下部为滴水,前部为迎宾殿,后部为气脉相连。

27、取穴法中需要天心十字,但不代表夫妻同行不配天心十字。 做穴位时,一定要定好天心十字,也就是前后左右四应的中心。 龙法中也有交叉不配的情况,即夫妻阴阳同行时。 夫妻同行相聚,阴阳两边不宜流动,水过胡须陷害,若无分,唯有枕球,所说的十字与天心十字不同.

28、看到水抱尖圆的情况,很多人会误认为是穴位前的界土。 如果看到换气的情况,人们往往会误认为是坐下,翻领。 这里说的是气脉的忽隐忽现,盛行不止的时候,人们不仔细观察,而是把水捧成圆形,误以为是穴位前的界土,盘膝而坐,他们却没有看到,此时的气脉是左右分开,交替前行的,那就大错特错了。

29、穴位形似台上下角,表示阴来阳受。 所谓台角,就是阴气。

30、如穴形如铁唇,应为阳阴。 所谓贴士唇墓地风水,就是阳经。

31、腧穴上平下尖为阳弱,上尖下直为阴强。 铲子的形状是扁平的,表示阳气弱,喇叭的形状是尖的,比喻阴的力量。 上部的形状是用来判断阴的强弱的。

32、因阴阳之别,有伸缩之别。 阴穴宜前伸,即吐埋。 阳穴宜内收,即吞咽埋藏。

33、看分水岭分析长鬣,是观脉气阴阳之法。 观察龙脉在平地或山坡上的情况,是取穴的法则。 所谓长鬃,是指脉络分水脊的不同情况,从中可以观察脉气的阴阳情况。 通过区分平阳隆与高破隆的区别,可以判断取穴情况。

34、固阳虽无引水,但只要穴位对了,就能通脉通水。 所谓孤阳之地,就是指下面有水,上面没有水的地方。 这时候,如果可以把中间作为主穴,不要放弃,只要在气脉来的地方造土接上,分一下,让水往两边流。

35、虽然阴暗处没有水,但只要龙的真气旺盛,挖池聚气就可以补救。 所谓阴地,就是指上面有水,下面没有水的地方,但只要龙气真实,就不能放弃。 只要在经脉处挖一池水,合其水,聚其气,便可治病。 因为地理风水的可能性非常大,不能只用一种方法先得到。 不过要不是龙震的穴位,用处不大,这点我们也得知道。

36、坟墓出现阴脉,合情合理,即使心急,也要避邪。 墓中若有阳龙,则避檐为义,纵性广,亦须斗球而下。 由此可见,葬法的增减应以此为依据。

37、洞若龟则尾急,断尾则伤龙。 所谓龟尾为阴,这样的墓不可操之过急。

38、墓形如死龟,背平,叉之会伤洞。 龟背为阳,墓不宜太平。

39、窝点宜深宜浅,乳点宜低宜高。 巢属阳,地势平坦,宜深埋,但也有浅埋的。 乳穴属阴,阴穴宜避邪埋于下方,有的宜埋于高处。 必须要了解其中的奥妙,只有一双明眸的人才能认出它来。

40、阴龙浮躁,所以刷顶不会有穴位,阳脉宽阔,所以耳洞可能有坟墓。 如果墓葬是阴龙,那绝对要用折框的方法。 阳经虽宽,亦可框。 所谓打耳洞、刷顶等,都是指自然的坐姿,不是人力所能决定的。

41、如遇坟墓,宜用靠碰法点。 穴若宜盖贴法,应急粘烦,或生死,以顺应自然地形,不为人为所迫。 制穴方法有盖、贴、靠、碰四种。 这四种方法包括墓室的上、中、下、左、右四个方向。 但总的来说,停脉是很有必要的。 其余急于坚守宽度、生死存亡的人,也是在言语上做文章。 无论采用哪种方法,都必须符合墓葬本身的自然情况,不可强求。

42、在月角、龟肩等处取穴,一般从部首找正处。 月角、龟肩穴位,穴位都在侧面。 But there is also a part in the . The so- in the to the that is not true.

43. Make a cave on a that looks like a pole or a gun pole, and look for a safe place.

44. If the hall very long, you can try to get rid of the in the water. , if you a at the same time, you still need to make at the front. If the very long, there will be water in front of the face, and this kind of water can stop the aura in the mud cave. At this time, it is to pay to the left green and the right white tiger, which are more for and tend to be . You can make on the side to get rid of the aura in the water. , if the is and , it is not to use on the side, so it is still to make on the front, of the of the hall . By doing so, the will be later.

45. When the hole is like a snake, if you dig it in the head of the snake, you will die. When the hole is like a crab, if you dig a hole in the crab shell, it will hurt the . , in the case, the are made at the snake's eye, and in the case, the are at seven . But if the god is on the king on the head of the snake, and the qi is in the foam of the crab, you can power and adapt to the . The be based on the state of and .

46. ​​When , be good at to gain . , all can be , can be , and can be , so as to be .

47. on a word. If you don't care about the yin and yang of the tomb, you can use the of the feet with the clam. If you don't ask about the yin and yang of the tomb, in a , etc., you can use the stick to fix the 's board and the clam's tip.

48. To know the depth of the grave, you can set the of the cave at the same level as the . That is to say, the depth of the tomb is by one and two water.

49. If the Qi of the ridge is , the tomb will be deep. , if the water of the skin meets the belt, the tomb is too . The so- ridge to , and the so- Zhipi to . The so- and are one and two . The depth of the above is based on the flat , and there is a the ridge and the skin in this . If the tomb is on the ridge, it is deep if it is as flat as the lapel, while the tomb on the skin is too even if it is as flat as the .

50. To the depth of the tomb, the depth of the water for one and two also be . The so- to one and two . , the tomb not be than the part of the water, so this be taken into .

51. Only when the tomb is at a high place or at a lower place can we take of the , it on the of the tomb. of the tomb is set at a high place or a low place, it must take of Qi. Where there is in the cave, there must be a mouth, that is, the place where the is .

52. If the above- are to due to age, you need to study and not act . This one is based on the board foot, the tip of the clam, the of the hole, the nest, the , the belt, the base of , and the mouth of the above.

53. In , the veins are in the of the water, and the are among the rocks, etc., which are to , and it is not easy for fools to . You must be a feng shui with to the veins at the of the water and the the .

54. If the 's cave is to the ridge and the head is flat, it means that the pulse is short, and the be and . For , the tomb at is close to the ridge and the head is flat, which means that the pulse here is short. , it must be when the so that the air veins can be , so it is said that when the arm falls , there is no but there is a .

55. If the nest and are , it means that the gas in the point is long, and the be by the . The qi veins are in the nest point and point, and come from the top, which means that the qi veins in this point are long.

56. When the Qi on the water, the water ridge shows a , and the can be . When the air vein stops , it as a - water , so that the of can be . When the air are , they will form a shape on the water , a , the veins will not clear. Where the Qi stop, a fork- will be . this fork- , it is to the of .

57. If the of in front of the point is not , it can be by and . The so- to the in front of the cave. If the case is not , it can be the left and right games of and tiger.

58. If the at the part the is too long, it is to find the place where the vein stops. That is to say, the of air and water is , and the place where the vein stops is the tomb. Those who come from the left live in caves on the right bank, and those who come from the right have their on the left.

59. Sand and water come from the left, and the tomb is on the right. The sand and water come from the right, and the tomb be on the left. The so- comer to sand and water me. If sand and water are to my left, I have to set up on the right side to meet them, which is cave on the right side. the sand and water come from the left, there must be their here, so the tomb be set on the right. The same goes for the right one.

60. If the sand and water come from the front, the tomb below the . Like sand and water, the does not come from the left or the right, but it shows the where the is and the is far away.

Grave is also to be heard

"Look" means at the feng shui of the tomb to good or bad luck, and at the . Most tomb are good at Feng Shui, and they must check the every time they go. the were about omen, most of the tombs were built on " land", such as a place by and , it must be a place where tombs . In , the and even the soil the tomb are basis for tomb to make . For , where there are tombs, the soil has been dug and , the of crops will be worse than that of the ones.

"Smell" is to smell the smell, and to there is a tomb in a place to the of the smell. For , in the tombs of the Qin and Han , and were often for ; while the walls of tombs after the Tang and Song were with green . The smell by these is for to , but grave can . of "smell" is to to the sound. large-scale tombs, once they are to large such as in the air, can send out from other to the . Jiao Si, the tomb in the Qing , was good at tombs by sound. He once for and was able to the of tombs based on the .

"Ask" is to step on the spot. Tomb are , good at about the past and the with the . they go, they will visit the local old as or Feng Shui , and get about tombs with these .

"" is the most link in the of for tombs. It has three : one means that after an tomb, to the of the , we find the of the hole and enter the tomb with the ; The is to touch the of the after the in the tomb; the third is to judge which the to and how they are after the .

How to see the Feng Shui of the grave? the

1. For a large , the must be large, and there must be the , which are ;

2. The left and right have , just like a grand 's chair, the back be high, and the left and right be low;

3. There must be a ahead, and it must be far away;

4. The hall in the be large and wide, of of ;

5. There must be a water in the .

A Few Key in at the Feng Shui of Tombs

1. the tomb is a shady place, if there is no all year round in this place, it is said to be too . No how good the is, this place be . There must be few men and women are . Yin also need good , and is one of the for good ;

2. The tombs built on the of the or the tombs on the top of the be , which will bring about the of hard work, and even the power of ;

3. The tomb with water down from the top of the head be . It is a . There are often sick and weak in the owner's home, so when a , you avoid this kind of ;

4. The with high- lines it be . Due to the of the high- line field, the luck of the one will and there will be no ;

5. The place close to the root of the wall be . The is prone to , and among will ;

6. a place that is more than one meter, has sides and lines, and forms a right angle, which is . Try to build a line in the . If there is no line in the tomb, it is easy for the owner to get with ;

7. If the grave in the is a grave used by , don't it. If you it, you will be of other 's land, and your will have ;

8. On a steep , don't a tomb on the ashes wall. In order to save land, some build so- ashes walls, or build tombs on steep . down, they are deep and steep. You can't the tomb, if you , the will have no , and the and will ;

9. There must be loess and the tomb. Slate, , and be laid all over. The owner's can't make ends meet. .

How to look at the feng shui of the tomb? , I would like to say that the of the is to the of and the of . , it is not only to "climb the to see the water mouth", but also "to enter the cave to see the ". The to a wide and flat place in front of the tomb. Only when the hall is open and full of can the be . On the , not be in and . The of to : In the urban , the is and away from the city. Yin and Yang be , which is sense in Feng Shui.

【 of 】 :

of -13

Feng Shui 05-09


Feng shui of -28



Feng Shui 04-25

How to learn -04

Store Feng Shui -30

of the -20

标签: 风水 墓地风水 墓地 阴宅风水 龙脉 星座风水运势

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